The Kapha Type in Ayurveda
Best Tips for Everyday Life, Nutrition, Yoga & Meditation
We speak of a Kapha Ayurveda type when Kapha is the predominant Dosha in a human being. Such a person’s constant stoic calm is convincing, and with a few stimulus tips, he or she will stay healthy in the long term.
What Does Kapha Mean?
The three Doshas (life forces)—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—determine the individual constitution of every human being. All Ayurvedic medicine recommendations are based on this so-called Ayurveda type.
With the Kapha type, the earth and water elements meet. Therefore, Kapha unites properties such as heavy, slow, and steady, but also soft, dense, tough, and cold. In the body, Kapha is responsible for solidity and all structures as well as for the right amount of body fluids.
Character of the Kapha Type
We all enjoy the lovable nature of Kapha people, and having them close to us can be a real pleasure. Nothing seems to get them out of balance, and they always seem patient and understanding. They are ideal managers, who calmly handle several issues simultaneously and can also answer other urgent questions while doing so. They retain what they have learned and can remember the minor details.
Kapha types have declared regularity and routine as their life principle, which they do not have to work on. This all sounds very positive, but they also have a tendency toward overeating, insufficient exercise, and excessive sleep.
Their ability to hold onto things, pounds, and people, coupled with water retention, makes life difficult for them in many respects, but financially, this leads them to wealth and possessions.
Physical Characteristics of the Kapha Type
The Kapha appearance is characterized by an impressive figure, big beautiful eyes, well-shaped mouth, smooth porcelain skin, snow-white teeth, thick hair, and inner peace.
Typical Kapha Disorders
If the Kapha type acts on the tendencies toward overeating, avoiding exercise, and excessive sleep for a long time, the Kapha Dosha is derailed and depressions, obesity, litholysis, and Diabetes mellitus may occur.
Health Tips for Kapha Types
If a Kapha-dominated person is able to exercise regularly, to change profession or place of residence from time to time, and to eat less than is offered, his or her strength and perseverance will be impressive for a lifetime. It is good to avoid the “digestive nap” during the day and to look for exciting situations instead.
Running and Osho mediations as well as a workplace without (too much) sitting will keep the Kapha type fit. Deep massages with warm herbal oils are very useful stimulants, and an Ayurvedic detoxification (Panchakarma health retreat) is his/her fountain of youth. With these means, the Kapha person will not experience any stress, rather exhilaration.
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The Best Diet for Kapha Types
The golden rule of eating for Kapha types is: “Eat less than you feel hungry for or are craving. Good foods are spicy or well-seasoned, dry, and antiedemic.”
These foods help the Kapha type with good digestion:
Apple, berries, cherries, mangos, peaches, pears, and raisins are recommended. Dried figs and plums are good, but other dried fruits should be avoided if possible.
In general, you can eat fruit at least one hour before or after meals but not in the evenings.
Spicy and bitter: red beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, garlic, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, parsley, peas, radish, spinach, sprouts, fennel, and Brussels sprouts.
Barley, corn, millet, oats, basmati rice (small quantities).
Eggs (scrambled eggs, no fried eggs), chicken, turkey, and rabbit.
All legumes except for white beans and black lentils. Azuki and black beans are good.
Only organic honey and jaggery.
All spices.
Reduced-fat milk in small quantities; avoid fatty cheeses and curd (quark). Soy milk is preferable in general.
Walnut and corn oil, but just a little.
Organic honey as carrier substance for herbs.
All Ayurveda Types
Vata, Pitta, or Kapha? The combination of your Doshas is essential for your health. When you know what constitution you have, you better understand why you are the way you are at times. You discover what nutrition is suitable for you and how you can stay healthy, fit, and happy with yoga, exercise, and meditation.
With the free Ayurveda Test from Euroved, you’ll find out what Ayurveda type you are. Simply answer a few questions about your physical, mental, and emotional aspects to get free health and nutrition tips for your personal constitution.