Report on the Summer Intensive Seminar 2015 with Dr Vasant Lad

Dr Vasant Lad’s 16th consecutive Summer Intensive Workshop at Euroved, Bell between 29 July and 2 August 2015 was yet another important offering. In his unique style, with drawings, interactive sessions and one-to-one “Guru-shishya” type of interactions, Dr Lad enthralled all who had gathered over the five days. Innumerable details of Vastu Shastra, Kundalini and effect of chakra imbalances on health and the diversity of pulse assessment and other intricacies and fine details of Ayurvedic and Vedic teachings were conveyed to the participants.

The sequence of workshops included the following topics: The effect of vasthu on health and ill health; how the bathroom influences our health and relationship; effect of the kitchen at different places of the house on the body, mind and consciousness; how to enhance your prosperity through proper correction of your vasthu; disorders of disturbed dosha, dhatu and malas and their specific treatment; major psychiatric disorders and their management according to Ayurvedic protocol e.g. depression, bipolar disorders, ADHD, Schizophrenia; spiritual awakening in daily life, the role of Kundalini in spiritual realization, if Kundalini is blocked or goes into the wrong Nadi (cul-de-sac) and clinical manifestation of Kundalini syndrome and their proper management; pulse assessment of manas prakruti, vikruti, evaluation of your gunas (qualities), chakra system and their specific treatment protocol.

Ayurvedic chef Lutz Seiboldt delighted all with superb culinary delights over the sessions. The whole Euroved team took care of the participants.

Details of upcoming 17th Summer Intensive 27 – 31 July 2016 are now available. We look forward to yet another full-house in Bell. Places are limited and fill up fast. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Apologies to those who enquired but could not be offered a place for the recently conclude programme.

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